Wednesday, August 10, 2011

[Advance Notice]2012-KGSP Undergraduate

As for 2012 KGSP (Undergrad degree), NIIED will announce its application guideline on the 4th week of August on this site.

For detailed information , please update yourself with NIIED webpage.

Thank you and Good luck

Best wishes,
Bilqis & Msian Scholars


  1. Hi, I'm interested in apply for kgsp-undergraduate.Thus, I have a few questions to ask for, firstly, do I need to take ielts or toefl in order to fulfill the english language proficiency? 2nd, can you guys give me a few tips on getting the scholarship? thank you, I really hope on getting respond from you. you can email me the answers, here is my email

  2. Are there any requirements like what the lady said above. because up to STPM all we took was MUET.
    my email:
    any help would mean so much to me
