Saturday, November 6, 2010

KGSP gathering - Seoul

It has been a while since we last updated the blog. Lately, most of the KGSP scholars are busy with their assignments, especially the ones in Seoul since these few weeks were the exam weeks.

Updating the blog is a voluntary work so sometimes it is pretty hard to gather all the KGSP bloggers to write something for this blog. Anyway, we had a get together in Seoul yesterday (updated fast right? ;) ).

We met at 신도림역의 출구 (Sindorim Station Exit) at a supposed time of 6pm and had dinner in a restaurant nearby.

Scholars from INHA and Yonsei University

Sherry and Ayla - 2nd batch

Joel and Wai Kit from the 3rd batch

Natalie, Kyle and Li Yuen

Pic at the restaurant

KGSP scholars (lots are still missing)

The restaurant's dishes were suprisingly delicious. Nevertheless, it's not the food that counts but the friendships that were forged during the meet up.


7 Nov 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jemputan ke PPMK Family Day 2010

Selamat sejahtera semua,

Merujuk perkara di atas , adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Biro Kebudayaan dan Kesenian PPMK 2009/2010 ingin menjemput semua pelajar di Korea untuk menghadiri PPMK Family Day 2010.

2. Berikut merupakan butiran mengenai PPMK Family Day 2010:

Tarikh : 2010-09-25 (Sabtu)
Lokasi : SKT Hall, Tingkat 7, Business School, Hanyang University (Sila rujuk map yang dilampirkan)
Masa : 10.00am ~ 5.00 pm

Tema : Back to School

3. Berikut merupakan tentatif program hari tersebut:

10.00am Arrival of guests

11.00am Arrivals of VIPs

11.10am Opening Video

11.15am Speech by President of PPMK

11.20am Speech by Mr. Hanisan & Opening Ceremony

11.25am Opening performance by Batch 10

11.30am Runway Fashion Accessories (Full)

12.30pm Lunch & Prayer Time

1.30 pm Batch Performance 1

1.45 pm Musical Group Performance 1

2.00 pm Video 1,2

2.10 pm Batch Performance 2

2.25 pm Musical Group Performance 2

2.40 pm Batch Performance 3

2.55 pm Musical Group Performance 3
3.10 pm Video 3,4,5

3.25 pm Batch Performance 4

3.40 pm Musical Group Performance 4

3.55 pm Batch Performance 5
4.10 pm Musical Group Performance 5

4.25 pm Special Performance of Graduated Students

4.35 pm Prize Giving

4.45 pm Photo Session

5.00 pm End of Ceremony

3. Diharapkan semua pelajar dapat menghadirkan diri dengan pakaian yang sopan pada hari tersebut. Kerjasama anda semua kami dahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih. Kehadiran anda semua pasti akan memeriahkan lagi progam ini! Datanglah beramai-ramai.

Untuk pertanyaan, sila hubungi:

Low Wenning 010-5789-6516

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang menjalankan tugas,

Low Wenning

Biro Kebudayaan dan Kesenian 1

PPMK 09/10

Mohd Ariff bin Mohd Sani

Biro Kebudayaan dan Keseniaan 2
PPMK 09/10

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Korea Vegetarian Bibimbap 산채비빔밥

A simple but popular dish, bibimbap is a bowl of hot rice served in a bowl topped with a variety of vegetables (cooked and raw) arranged on top. Vegetables can be seasonal, with toraji, bell flower roots, gosari, bracken, bean sprouts, and spinach often served. Other ingredients can include chestnuts, jujubes, ginseng, and a small amount of seafood or meat. An egg may be also served on the top. Most restaurants prepare the dish with a big scoop of gochujang and red pepper paste placed with the vegetables. (Ask for it to be placed on the side if you do not like the taste much.)

This dish comes in two ways: a large bowl with rice on the bottom and the other ingredients placed on top, or just the ingredients in the bowl and a separate bowl of rice. Mix all the ingredients together then use your spoon to eat. A bowl of light soup is also served.

Source : lifeinkorea

by Bilqis

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Daegu, Visit or not to visit?


In this post, I will introduce you to Daegu. This is like a "Lonely Planet - Daegu" narrated by yours truly.

Daegu might sound foreign to many people. Unlike Seoul, Daegu is still an undiscovered city with many sights worth seeing. In terms of buildings (for people who loves seeing big tall buildings), Daegu does not lack in this aspect either. The strength of this city lies in the history and culture.

Daegu has lots of old historical buildings, the ones that are in good shape mainly because long ago, Korean military government placed Daegu as one of the region that was worth developing and also at the same time, to preserve the historical monuments for the younger generations.


Daegu is the city where SAMSUNG was founded. So if you are now using a Samsung phone or using computer powered by Samsung memory cards (Samsung has a huge global share in memory chips manufacturing) while eating Samsung burger (Yes, Samsung has it's foodstuff company) or wearing a Samsung suit (They too have high-end formal wear subsidaries). Then, remember that these products are all started in Daegu.

This links below are extremely helpful

1) Daegu Pockets

Highly recommended for travellers because it comes with places of interest with maps, how-to-get-there-by-bus, etc. The great part are, it is in English and is free too!


Helpful because it has a detailed places of interest with some brief explainations on the touristic spots.

3)Daegu City Website

Very helpful to know more about the events and stuffs related to Daegu.

4) Novohotel

Located right in the downtown *PS - I am not paid for it and this is merely for your info* but it might be expensive.

In Daegu, there are lots of motels, rates varies but do have at least 20,000 Won for a night's stay.

The best time to visit daegu is during spring or autumn. Summer is... well, hot... :)

A short video, but please be reminded that this is an old video and it only showcases a small part of Daegu. In this video, you can see the Daegu museum and the amusement park.

Hope it helps,


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Seoul Friendship Fair 2010

5월 8·9일 서울광장 일대에서 펼쳐지는 ‘2010년 지구촌 한마당’

(서울=뉴스와이어) 2010년 05월 05일 [14:13]--세계 각국의 문화와 공연을 한자리에서 즐길 수 있는 절호의 기회가 생겼다. 그것도 서울 한복판에서 말이다.

서울시가 오는 5월 8일(토)~9일(일) 양일간, 국내 최대 규모의 다문화 축제‘2010 서울 지구촌한마당(Seoul Friendship Fair 2010)’을 서울광장과 무교동 일대에서 개최한다.

‘2010 서울 지구촌한마당’은 17개 해외 자매·우호도시 공연단과 58개국의 주한 외국대사관·관광청·문화원 등이 참여해 각국의 다채로운 전통공연을 비롯해 세계 음식·풍물전 세계 궁중의상 체험전 외국 어린이 그림전 등 평소 접하기 힘든 세계 각국의 문화를 한자리에서 체험할 수 있다. 같은 기간 서울거주 외국인들이 서울에 정착해 살아가는데 필요한 정보를 제공하는‘인포메이션 페어(Information Fair)’도 12시부터 19시 까지 청계광장 일대에서 열린다.

지난 1996년 처음 축제를 시작해 15회째를 맞이하는‘서울 지구촌한마당’은, 2004년도 5개국 공연단 90여명의 외국공연단을 초청하여, 올해는 3배가 넘는 14개국 17개팀 350여명의 외국공연단이 참여한다. 지난해 서울지구촌 한마당에 참여한 서울시민과 외국인 관광객은 총 8만명을 상회하였으며, 올해는 축제 기간을 2일로 연장 운영해 지난해 보다 더 많은 관람객이 세계 문화를 즐기기 위해 서울광장 일대를 찾을 것으로 예상된다.

<서울광장, 세계가 하나되는 ‘월드페스티벌의 場’으로 변한다.>

서울광장에 마련된 메인무대에서는 8일(토) 오후1시부터 취타대 입장을 시작으로 세계 17개 도시의 전통문화공연단의 다채로운 축하공연이 이틀간 이어진다. (개막식 14:30)

중국 사천성 공연단은 영화 패왕별회의 한 장면으로 유명해진 ‘변검’과 뜨거운 탕액으로 돌판 위에 그림을 그리는 무형문화재 공연을 선보이며, 베이징시는 체조공연 <소프트 파워 볼(Soft Power Ball)>로 볼거리를 제공한다.

그 외에도 타이페이의 전통 중국 민속 음악 오케스트라단, 모스크바의 발레 공연, 알제리 알제시의 포크밴드 공연, 멕시코시티의 마리아치 공연 등 다양한 전통공연을 선보인다. 해외 자매도시 공연과 함께 우리나라의 ‘국악 관현악단 공연’과 비보이와 남사당 퍼포먼스 배틀 ‘Dance Battle : The Duel’공연도 관람객의 눈길을 사로잡을 예정이다.

<축제 속의 축제! 58개국 음식·풍물전, 무교동 일대에서 열려>

같은 시간 서울광장과 무교동 일대에서는 ‘세계를 만나 정서를 나누고, 문화를 나누고, 음식을 나누는’ 세계 58개국의 음식· 풍물전이 열린다. <음식전>은 서울광장 주변 무교동 일대에 유럽, 아시아, 북남미, 아프리카 등 대륙별로 부스를 설치해 주한 외국대사관 및 해당국가 관광청 등에서 직접 운영하는데 평소에 접하기 어려웠던 외국의 이색 음식을 저렴한 가격으로 맛 볼 수 있다. <풍물전>은 서울 광장 주변에 유럽, 아시아, 아메리카 등 대륙별로 조성해 이색적인 문화를 한 곳에서 경험할 수 있도록 하였다.

<세계 의상입고, 세계 명소를 배경으로 사진촬영, 세계 의상 체험전 >

세계 각국의 문화 접하고 음식도 맛봤다면 서울광장의‘세계 궁중의상체험전’도 방문해 보자. 각 나라의 특색 있는 전통의상을 입고 포토존에서는 전 세계의 명소를 배경으로 사진촬영도 할 수 있어, 아이들은 물론 어른들에게도 이색 문화를 체험 할 수 있는 뜻 깊은 시간을 선사한다. 또한 올해에도 무교동 길 입구에는 서울시 소재 외국인학교 어린이들의 그림 282점을 전시해 지구촌 어린이들의 그림 속 따뜻한 이야기가 전해지도록 할 예정이다.

<서울사는 외국인에게 서울정보를 제공하는 ‘인포메이션페어’, 청계광장에서 개최>

한국에 사는 외국인 친구가 있다면 12시부터 19시까지 청계광장 일대에서 개최되는 인포메이션 페어(Information Fair)에 들러보자. 지구촌한마당 행사와 함께 진행되는 인포메이션 페어는 외국인들의 서울 정착에 도움을 주고 생활 전반에 걸쳐 유용한 정보를 제공하는 박람회다.

올해는 ▲유엔난민기구(UNHCR) ▲국민연금(NPS) ▲서울국제여성협회(SIWA) ▲금융감독원 ▲국립중앙박물관 ▲한국BBB운동 등 공공기관 및 비영리기관, ▲신한은행 ▲자생병원 ▲서울글로벌빌리지센터 ▲서울럭비클럽 ▲강남노무법인 ▲외국인 주거시설인 DMC Ville 등 의료주거·스포츠 등 외국인 생활에 밀접하게 관련된 50여개 기관이 참여한다.

<친환경을 테마로 한 그린 카페 마련해, 시민들에게 녹색 쉼터 제공>

무교동 일대에는 지난해 처음 선보여 시민들에게 큰 호응을 얻었던 거리 뮤직카페를 대대적으로 확대한 거리무대‘더 스탠딩 뮤직(The Standing Music’을 선보인다. 이 더 스탠딩 뮤직은 지구촌 한마당이라는 타이틀과 어울리게 지구촌 곳곳의 음악이 13시부터 18시까지 30분 간격으로 펼쳐지며 러시아 어린이공연단 등 총 8팀이 공연을 선보인다. 무대 주변에는 친환경을 테마로 한 도심 속 휴식 공간 더 그린 카페를 마련해 시민들의 지친 발걸음을 쉴 수 있게 해준다.

그 외에도 한-아세안 센터에서 운영하는 아세안 문화 체험관에서는 동남아시아 10개국의 전통 놀이·만들기·전통의상 체험이 이루어진다. 체험 코너 운영은 선착순으로 이루어질 예정으로, 한-아세안 센터 홈페이지 (통해 미리 온라인 접수를 받는다.

<실질적 문화 교류 외에도 전문 언어인력 선발 등 일자리 창출에도 기여>

서울시는 지구촌한마당이 단순한 축제에 그치지 않고 실질적인 문화적 교류 및 일자리 창출에도 기여할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 이미 각 언어권 별로 200여명 이상의 전문 언어인력 선발을 완료하였으며, 이들은 각 대사관들과 연계해 축제의 준비, 당일 행사 진행, 시민 안내 등을 맡아 진행한다. 또한 이후 각 대사관과 지속적으로 연계해 장기적인 관계유지 및 해외 업무, 취업 등이 가능하도록 하고 있다.

서울시 관계자는 “가족, 연인들이 세계의 다양한 음식 및 공연 등 문화를 체험하려면 많은 비용이 드는 것이 사실이지만, 이번주말 서울광장을 찾아주시면 무료로 공연도 관람하고, 저렴한 비용으로 다양한 세계음식을 맛 보실 수 있다”고 하였다.

뉴 스출처: 서울특별시청

p/s: if you dont understand the article above there is a seoul friendship fair this weekend on the 8th and 9th of May at 시청 where our malaysian tourism board are also taking part. Please to make your way there if you are free this weekend.

Signing off,


IMGP9578 (edited), originally uploaded by bilviva.

How have you been?
Just a weeks before when we thought "Spring is finally here" but the global warming has take its effects and have us the coldest spring in Korea.
As the weather gets better, suddenly it feels like Summer already.
Anyway hope you guys take good care of your health and not to get sick due to the sudden fluctuation of the temperature.
Hope you guys dealt well with your mid terms as well.
Head down to the nearest beach to relax your mind and here i introduce you 인천's 을왕리해수육장.

Here' some info about the

and some guidelines on how to make your way from seoul.

general route.

If you're living in incheon. bus 111 takes you directly to 을왕리해수육장.
Enjoy and make the best of your time in korea.

Hopefully you find the information useful.

Signing off,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Website guides

Hi, i guess this is my first time actually "contributing" in this blog.
Well i guess you are well informed about the country, Korea is well knowed for its electronic products so there is no necessity (unless you have it) for you to bring all your electronic products such as handphones (malaysia hp cannot be used here anyway unless is 3G but bear in mind of the cost of bill), cameras, laptops, mp3, rice cooker, hair dryer and so on!
You can conveniently purchase it through internet or if you are not experiences you could simply travel down to Seoul mainly YongSan용산 or Sindorim Digital Market (신도림) and shop around! Basically you can have everything in korea!

Here is a website which i find it useful to help you decide and roughly get a picture of which/what kinds of products you need. Of course, you need to have a little knowledge about korean language to utilise it.

Here is the link :Danawa

I hope you find it useful and enjoy your study in korea!



2010 Batch - Welcome


On behalf of the Malaysian KGSP batch, I would like to congratulate you all for been awarded with this scholarship. You will be the third batch of Malaysians receiving this scholarship by the Korean Government (I was in the second batch) and it's nice knowing that more Malaysians will be studying in Korea under the same program soon.

When we arrived to Korea, not all of us were well-versed in Korean language and it was very difficult to communicate with the Koreans. (Note: Koreans can speak in English but they are just too shy to talk in it. If you try to speak with the older people especially the ajumas, it will be very very difficult) So be prepared to face communication problem when you arrive to Korea unless you have basic Korean proficiency.

Living cost:

"The only thing that is free... is the air..."

I think this is the most important thing that comes to your mind. Honestly, I can't really give a rough estimate on it because in every city, the cost of living varies. I think a meal will set you back at approximately 3000 ~ 4000 Won but you can find cheaper meals in the student cafeteria. In my city, Daegu (I am studying in Kyungpook National University), when i first arrived, I found out that a meal in Daegu, Korea is approximately 3 to 4 times the cost of a meal in Malaysia.

So since you might be arriving on the 27th of March if i am not wrong, bring some money for the food expenses because the scholarship allowance will not be banked until the first or second (?) week of the following month, April. Try not to waste too much money if you are living in Seoul because you have to pay for your accomodation in dormitory (about 150000 Won ++), food, travelling expenses, etc. Once you receive your allowance, treat 1000 Won as if it is RM 1.


"Life is not about only studying, it's about living and seeing!"

I think you are well aware of it since there are so many Korean dramas in Malaysia. Koreans especially in Seoul are generally more trendy compare to the people in other parts of Korea. Every city in Korea has high-end merchandise shops (ZARA, Guess, Uniqlo, etc) and most Koreans usually shop over there. If you are a good "spender", for instance, always remember that in ZARA (from my experience), the clothings will always be changed every 2 weeks so you might get a "better" price for some of the clothing if you came at the right time. But, it's still not cheap.

In Uniqlo (a Japanese brand), a cheap jeans will be about RM 100, ZARA about RM 200 but you can find cheaper ones in Homeplus (Like Tesco in Malaysia), E-Mart and other big hypermarkets. Usually it will be about RM 60 for a pair of jeans there. Shirts there are affordable, maybe about RM 40. Just don't bring too much warm clothing from Malaysia because it can be easily purchased in Korea.

If possible, do not bring too many winter clothings! Buy them in Korea! The price is almost the same and there's more variety in winter clothings here than in Malaysia. Just bring clothing that is for the spring since you all will be arriving at that time. In spring, you will be needing a thick sweater or jacket but you will have a bit of problem adjusting to the cold and dry Korean weather so it's quite hard adjusting for the first few days.
[Note from Raja: Keep in mind that the size range in Korea is pretty limited (especially for shoes)... so if you suspect that you might not fit in the average size category, it's best that you come prepared from Malaysia.]

In Daegu, there are lots of places to play snooker, norabang (karaoke) and restaurant. I think it is the same as in Seoul or any other places in Korea. The price for the norabang is cheap by Korean standard, about 25000 Won for 2 hours if I am not mistaken so if you love to sing you can sing your hearts out over there. There is not much variety of English songs but is still enough to make you "sing till you drop". A number of Chinese and Indonesian songs are also available.


"Give a fish to a man, you feed him for a day. Teach the man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

Korean language is difficult when you start but gradually you will become better especially once you are in Level 2. With level 2 proficiency, you would be able to converse with the people though it would still be hard to express what you want to say. So there comes level 3 and 4. To those that will be taking science related course here, frankly speaking, I would say a year of learning Korean is insufficient no matter whether you are in Level 5 or 6.

In my course, I have to rely on my cellphone which is my "walking translator" and sometimes my electronic dictionary. Not all biological or chemical terms can be found in that dictionary, you will realise that buying a cellphone and an electronic dictionary that function as a dictionary is almost the same. But the only difference is that you are not allowed to bring your cellphone into the exam hall. :(

When you begin your year 2 after you had completed your Korean studies, try to ask your major's professor whether you can write your answer in english during the exam or not (Suprisingly, all my subjects can be written in english) but usually the lessons are all conducted in Korean so life can be hard.

Anyway, don't worry about that, as long as you study hard, I belief all will be fine. Learning Korean will be your best time in your life, plenty of time to watch Korean dramas (Korean broadband is super fast, everything can be watched or downloaded online), lots of field trips and plenty of foreign friends to be met. Take one step at the time peeps.


"Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the nicest season of all?"

Spring is cold with lots of cold gush of windy wind. Summer is hot, humid and is almost the same as in Malaysia with lots of rainfall (but it depends on the place that you will be living in). Autumn is the same as spring while winter is freezing cold and lots of snowfall (Note: Southern parts of Korea have relatively few snowfalls). Between the seasons, there will be lots of rain so just be prepared with an umbrella.

About the clothing, just bring warm sweater, thick jackets and unless you cannot tahan cold weather, just bring one winter clothing will do. While for the rest of the seasons, just look and buy when needed, stores around Korea sell clothings based on the seasons so don't worry about not finding any clothing.


I always believe that it's better to learn through experience than through books. At the end of my Korean language class, I travelled to China. I myself do not believe that I would be traveling to other foreign countries within a year of my stay in Korea. But it came at a cost, my scholarship was deducted but well... Believing is through seeing, experiencing is through traveling. Happy learning Korean, trust me, this is the best time of your 5 years in Korea.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
~Robert Frost~

I earnestly hope you will learn and spend your time wisely. Remember that this will only be the beginning of a long journey studying in Korea. Hope to see you all soon.

Best Regards,


p/s Do read the rest of this blog for more info.